AN abusive surgeon made life a living hell for nursing staff assisting him at a private hospital in Bloemfontein, using deeply offensive language, including...
THE African Congress for Transformation (ACT) has expelled 11 of its members in the Free State for allegedly engaging in divisive or disruptive actions.
THE Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality is battling a water crisis that has seen some parts of the Free State capital going for days without supplies...
FORMER Free State Social Development MEC Motshidise Koloi’s corruption case has been postponed and will be set down for trial next year.
She was arrested...
THE National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) says no sensitive information had been taken during a burglary at its Free State provincial office in Bloemfontein this...
THE Free State has suffered financial losses estimated at R321 million through material irregularities flagged by the Auditor General since the 2018/19 financial year.
THE Free State provincial health department faced medical negligence claims amounting to a whopping R5.01 billion during the 2022/23 financial year, the Auditor General...
THE Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality has embarked on a waste management campaign targeting illegal dumpsites that have become a common sight around the Free State...